How can I access and manage customers?

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How can I access and manage customers?How can I access and manage customers?

List of customers

The list of customers is where you can manage all the customers that you have in Calendesk. This table shows some quick information about your users:

  • Id number,
  • first name,
  • last name,
  • email address,
  • contact number,
  • information on the possibility of receiving push notifications,
  • the date of the next visit,
  • GPRD fields (only if you set and use them with subscriptions),
  • date of account creation.

The “Search”, “Filter” and “Groups” inputs allow you to search the entire list easily to find the right customers.

Customer management

You can select some or all of the customers using a check box on the left side. After selecting records, at the bottom of the table, you will find an additional menu. The menu has several handy actions, such as:

  • Send a message to customers.
  • Assign customers to groups.
  • Block customers (blocked customer can’t log in to your website or mobile app and make a booking)
  • Unblock customers.
  • Delete customers.
  • Download the list of customers in the following extensions:
    • Microsoft Excel
    • vCard
    • Open Office
    • Libre Office,
    • CSV,
    • HTML,

In the “Send Message” column, there is a button that will allow you to send a message to the customer selected from the list.

The “Add a customer” button will allow you to add a new customer to your platform, but you can read about it in the article How can I add a customer?.

Customer details

Clicking on a record with the customer will move you to the customer profile. Here, you can view this customer’s bookings and payments as well as you will be able to add new bookings for the selected customer. You can also assign the customer to some groups. You can learn more about groups in the article: What are labels, groups, and resources and how to manage them?

Customer details
Customer - additional menu