What are labels, groups, and resources and how to manage them?

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What are labels, groups, and resources and how to manage them?What are labels, groups, and resources and how to manage them?

You can manage all your labels, groups and resources from one place. Go to the “Settings” tab to manage them. It is an internal setting and your customers will not see any of your labels, groups or resources you use.


Labels describe the characteristics of customer bookings. You can assign labels to some bookings and use filters to find them later.

Calendesk - labels

Assigning labels

You can assign your labels while creating or updating bookings. You can select one or multiple.

Calendesk - assigining labels

Using labels

Filter your booking using labels. Go to the “Sales / Events” tab to use the filter.

Calendesk - using labels


Groups can be helpful in customer management. Each customer can be assigned to several groups. Then, similar to labels, you can filter your customers with selected groups.

Calendesk - groups

Assigning groups

You can assign customers to groups while adding them or editing. Learn more about customer profile in the article How can I view and edit customer profiles?.

Calendesk - assigining groups

Using groups

Go to the “Customers” tab to filter your customers with groups.

Calendesk - using groups


Resources determine anything you may need to perform your services — for example, a conference room, a chair, a massage table, etc. By assigning resources to your services, you eliminate the risk of lack of equipment needed to serve your customers.

Calendesk - resources

Assigning resources to services

You can assign resources to your services while creating or editing them.

Calendesk - assiging resources to services