Scheduling meetings to help affiliate managers: why and how?

Affiliate managers have a lot on their plate. Between working with affiliates, building relationships, and managing campaigns, there’s a lot to keep track of. Managing time becomes a hassle, especially if meetings are scheduled to last minute or without proper notice.
That’s why scheduling meetings is a key part of being an effective affiliate manager – unless you simply don’t want to be organized. Today, we’ll show you why scheduling meetings is important for affiliate managers, and how to use a tool like Calendesk to make it happen.
Why affiliate managers should schedule their meetings
#1 Time Management
One of the primary reasons why affiliate managers should schedule their meetings is to ensure that they are using their time efficiently. Meetings can make an excellent opportunity to discuss important topics and make decisions, but they can also be a huge time sink if they are not managed properly. By scheduling meetings in advance, affiliate managers can ensure that they are only holding meetings when they are absolutely necessary.
#2 Improved Communication
Another reason why affiliate managers should schedule their meetings is to improve communication with their affiliates. When meetings are scheduled in advance, affiliates know exactly when they need to be available and can plan accordingly. This allows for more effective communication as both parties will have the opportunity to prepare for the meeting.
#3 Avoid Cancellations
Cancelling meetings can be a huge inconvenience for both affiliate managers and their affiliates. When a meeting is cancelled, it can often be difficult to reschedule it at a time that works for everyone involved. Affiliate managers may avoid cancellations by scheduling appointments ahead of time.
#4 Reduced Conflict
Conflict between affiliate managers and their affiliates can often arise when meetings are not scheduled in advance. This is because last-minute changes to meeting times or locations can often be disruptive and cause frustration for those involved. By scheduling meetings in advance, affiliate managers can avoid conflict and keep their relationships with their affiliates strong.
#5 Increased Productivity
Scheduling meetings in advance can also help to increase productivity as it allows affiliate managers to plan their time more effectively. When meetings are scheduled ahead of time, affiliate managers know exactly when they need to be available and can plan their work around the meeting. This helps to ensure that work is not interrupted by last-minute meeting requests and that all deadlines are met.
Scheduling Affiliate Meetings: Best Practices
#1 Keep it online
Running meetings online allows for greater flexibility as affiliates can choose a time that works for them without having to travel. Additionally, online meetings are often more efficient as they can be conducted without the need for small talk or other distractions.
To schedule an online meeting, affiliate managers can use a tool like Calendesk. Calendesk is a meeting scheduling tool that allows users to find the best time for their meeting and book it in advance. Once the meeting is booked, affiliates will receive an email with all the details they need to join the meeting. This includes a link to the online meeting room and a list of any materials that they need to prepare in advance.
Calendesk also offers a number of other features that can be useful for affiliate managers, such as the ability to schedule recurring meetings and send reminders to affiliates before the meeting.
#2 Pick the right time for a meeting
To ensure that affiliates are able to attend the meeting, it is important to pick a time that works for everyone. This may mean scheduling the meeting during normal business hours or at a time when most affiliates are available.
When selecting a meeting time, affiliate managers should also consider the time zone of their affiliates. For example, if the majority of affiliates are based in the US, then it may be necessary to schedule the meeting during US business hours. But, it doesn’t have to be perfect for everyone. Simply pick the time that works best for the majority of affiliates and send out a meeting request in advance so that everyone can plan accordingly.
If there are affiliates who are unable to attend the meeting, consider voice recording the meeting and sending them the recording afterwards. This is a good idea anyway, especially if important announcements are made during the meeting, as it allows those who were unable to attend to catch up on what was discussed.
#3 Include a meeting agenda
An agenda for the meeting should be sent out to affiliates in advance so that they know what will be discussed. This also allows them to prepare any questions or comments they may have.
The agenda can be sent out via email or, if the meeting is being held online, it can be added to the meeting invite. Including an agenda will help to ensure that the meeting is productive and that all topics are covered. It also allows affiliates to know what they need to prepare in advance so that they can make the most of the meeting.
Some things that should be included on the agenda are:
- The purpose of the meeting
- Any announcements or updates
- Discussion topics
- A Q&A session
If there are any action items that need to be completed after the meeting, these should also be added to the agenda.
#4 Follow up with everyone afterwards
Once the meeting is over, it is important to follow up with everyone who attended. This can be done via email or, if the meeting was held online, through the meeting platform.
In the follow-up email, include a summary of what was discussed during the meeting as well as any action items that were agreed upon. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that nothing was missed during the meeting.
It is also a good idea to include a link to the recording of the meeting, if one was made, in the follow-up email. This way, those who were unable to attend can still catch up on what was discussed.
#5 Create a schedule for future meetings
To make scheduling meetings easier, it is a good idea to create a schedule for future meetings. This can be done by setting aside a certain day and time each week or month for the meeting. Then, simply send out a meeting invite in advance so that everyone knows when and where the meeting will be held.
Creating a schedule for future meetings will help to ensure that they are held on a regular basis. It also takes the guesswork out of scheduling, as affiliates will always know when the next meeting is taking place.
If there are any changes to the schedule, be sure to send out an update to affiliates so that they can adjust their schedules accordingly.
#6 Use TrackDesk
If you want to take your affiliate marketing to the next level, consider using TrackDesk.
TrackDesk is a powerful affiliate tracking platform that allows you to track your affiliates, their commissions, and their performance. With TrackDesk, you can see which affiliates are performing well and which ones are not. This allows you to make adjustments to your campaigns accordingly.
In addition, TrackDesk provides detailed reports that can help you to better understand your affiliate marketing campaign. With these reports, you can see which areas are performing well and which ones need improvement.
If you are serious about affiliate marketing, then TrackDesk is a tool for you. And, if some affiliates do not live up to your expectations, data from TrackDesk can be helpful during… meetings with them.
Over to you
Indeed – scheduling regular meetings with your affiliates can help you to better manage your affiliate marketing program. By following the tips above, you can ensure that your meetings are productive and that they provide value for both you and your affiliates.