How to write a headline so everyone wants to read your offer? (6 simple rules and 10 examples for inspiration)

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How to write a headline so everyone wants to read your offer? (6 simple rules and 10 examples for inspiration)

If you read this sentence, it means that the headline above has prompted you to do so. Therefore, I have a request to you – think for a moment what intrigued you in the title of this article:

  • A sentence in the form of a question beginning with “How…”? – Since there is a question (and on a topic you’re interested in), you can probably find the answer. What is more, a sentence beginning with “How to write, how to do it, etc.” suggests that this will provide specific instruction. Note that a large proportion of Google searches begin with “How”. People simply look for answers to specific questions.
  • 6 rules and 10 examples? – Numbers are always and everywhere grab attention, suggesting specific information, tested and reliable, and therefore worth reading. A postscript in brackets? – In addition, in a smaller font than the first part of the headline.
  • This may suggest that this information is a bit secret, not for everyone, only for people who are really interested in the topic and want to know how to write such a headline.

All of the above items are included in a list of 6 specific rules that you should follow when writing a headline, title, or headings on a page. You can also go ahead and use them when creating banners and ads that redirect to your website. Here they are below:

Rule No. 1 – SHORT

Do you know the 15 second rule? According to this rule, that is all users need to judge whether the website contains information for themselves. If your headline is too long, the user may think it will take a lot of time to read it, which will effectively discourage them and they will leave the website.

The Buzz Sumo Report when referring to headlines makes it clear that it is best that the headline should have no more than 11 words and 65 characters. What is more, from year to year, it can be noticed that good well-functioning headlines are getting shorter and shorter.

Try to fit within this length. If you want to give longer content, you may want to present an additional sentence in an interesting form. For example, in brackets or quotes, so that the whole thing does not give the impression of sounding long and boring.

Rule No. 2 – ON THE TOPIC

Before you write a headline, consider the problem your services solve and what benefit the user will receive. A good headline must be specific and clear about what a person who uses your services will gain.

Take, for example, the website of a personal trainer and imagine two versions of it:

The first version with the headline “Personal Trainer Thomas. Call and make your first appointment.”
The second version with the headline “How to change your figure in 12 hours? Call and make your first appointment.”

Which text are you more likely to read? Which title did you find more intriguing and talked about a specific benefit? We do not have any specific information in the first headline. We can only guess that, since it is the website of the personal trainer, we can make an appointment to train. But what is different from other websites of this type?

The second headline, on the other hand, presents specifics. It shows that I can change my figure in 12 hours. And perhaps, every training works like that but it is important to emphasize it in the message to the user. A specific promise. This is the core of any good headline.

Rule No. 3 — NUMBERS

Many analyzes of the best-performing headlines confirm that breaking the text with a number always works better. This makes the headline more likely to read. When talking about numbers, do not use words, just write the numbers. This could be “20 tricks, 5 days faster, 30% cheaper” etc. if you have two headline concepts – one with a number, the other without, always select the first one.

Interesting fact – Content Marketing Institute analyzed the results of more than 150, 000 (quite a few) of the most effective headlines of their articles. The proposal was surprising – with odd numbers having more impact than even numbers. It turned out that they were more likely to be clicked on by as much as 20%!

Of course, it is not about bending reality to this principle. If you know 12 tricks to speed up your training, then write about them all, but if you offer a 30% discount, then probably doing a 33% discount will not do wretch much havoc, and such an offer will be read more willingly.

Rule No. 4 – HOW

YouTube and Pinterest statistics clearly show that both portals are popular with “How do I…?” content. Google searches are similar. We are looking there for specific answers to a specific question. We want to know how to do something. We need inspirations. Hence the great effectiveness of headlines presented in this convention.

First, we have a question, and on every blog or article about the rules for writing headlines, you will read that a headline in the form of a question will work better than with the same content but without a question. Secondly, we have a question suggesting that we will receive specific instruction. Here we have two cumulative factors that affect the effectiveness of the headline.

If you are wondering whether to write “You can change your figure in just 12h” or “How can you change your figure in just 12h?”, then this second choice is likely to work better.

Rule No. 5 — DIRECTLY

When writing a headline, make direct contact with the website user. This is about getting the message as personalized as possible, to grab their attention, and by writing “you, yours, gain, improve, etc.” you are directing the message “Hey, you, I have important information for you! Yes, I am talking to you.” This automatically increases the chance that the reader will stay longer on your headline and ultimately, your offer. The headline which says that my problem will be solved is what I am looking for.

Rule No. 6 — SURPRISE

Headlines that contain controversial questions or theses are highly effective. This works most often by breaking a user out of their usual train of thought. Such headlines also stand out from the competition’s content.


Do you make these 4 most common mistakes during your cardio training?
Do you usually leave the hair salon crying in despair? You’ll leave us crying… out of joy!
Our straw bath reduces cellulite by 30% (if you don’t offer an intriguing straw bath, think about what other service you offer that will surprise your customers).
A cactus to deal with problems? Just one hour (if you do not offer an intriguing massage with cactus leaves, think about what other service you offer that will surprise your customers).

In addition to applying the above rules, it is always worth taking inspiration from the materials that you have at your fingertips. You can often find a completely innovative approach to writing headlines and titles that are great for you. Where to find such ideas?

Below are several sources:

  • Your mailbox – review the emails you receive carefully and choose the ones that prompted you to open your message. Think about what exactly worked for you? How can you use this in the headlines and headers on your website? It is a good idea to create a separate email folder with interesting titles so you always have them at hand.
  • In managing your content schedule or marketing campaigns, tools like Calendesk, Appointy, Calendly, and docketing software prove invaluable. These platforms not only help in organizing your tasks but also ensure that all your publishing deadlines are met efficiently, keeping your strategy on track.
  • News portals – visit selected websites and write down the titles of articles that are so good that you can’t help but clicking on them. Take them apart and think about how to translate them to your industry.
  • Gossip portals – a real goldmine of intriguing, engaging titles and headlines!
  • Newspapers and magazines – when browsing through a magazine, what headlines cause you to stop? It is just about the subject or maybe a strange pattern of words, numbers or unusual wording? Everything that catches the attention of your website’s user plays in your favor.
  • Guide titles – if for example, you run a beauty salon, go to the website of any bookstore, go to the “guides” section, and then to the “beauty” category there. Select the titles that intrigued you the most and edit them to fit your website.

Remember! – never copy headlines or titles for your needs. Someone made a lot of effort to create an original, engaging headline. Use them only as inspiration, ultimately creating your own unique version.

Sometimes, even though you browse emails, portals, and newspapers, nothing produces the WOW effect. Nothing catches your attention, and there is still a void in your head when it comes to a new headline or title on the site. An additional source of inspiration can be the headline generator

Below you will find a list of headlines used mainly in foreign advertising that have worked well. You can combine and rotate them in a variety of ways to create your perfect headline or title.

5 common skin problems – which one would you like to beat?

Example modification for a personal trainer
5 common problems building a figure – which one would you like to beat?

How I improved my memory in one evening

Example of a modification for a massage parlor
How our customers forget their problems in an hour

6 types of investors – which one are you?

Example of a modification for the beauty salon
6 types of beauty – which one are you?

7 steps to freedom

Example modification for a personal trainer
7 steps to an ideal figure

Are you making these language mistakes?

Example of a modification for the beauty salon
Are you making these mistakes during nail care?

Don’t envy the rich – be one of them

Example of a modification for a hair salon
Don’t envy the looks of the stars – look like them

Earn money by reading books. PLN 100 per book!

Example of a modification for a massage parlor with a loyalty program.
Make money by others massaging you. PLN X for a massage!

Have you ever said, “I just can’t focus”?

Example modification for a personal trainer
Have you ever said, “I just can’t change my figure”?

How a new discovery turned a normal girl into a real beauty

Example of a modification for the auto detailing garage
How simple a procedure changed a 10-year-old car looking like from a dealer

How to get 12 hours out of an 8-hour day

Example of a modification for a hair salon
How to make yourself look 3 years younger in 2 hours

Helpful checklist for creating a headline/header:

  • Define the role:
    • increase page visibility and clickability of the website in search results,
    • encourage the user to open the email,
    • convince the reader of the email to click on a link that takes them to your website,
    • encourage users of your website to continue reading your offer.
  • Determine to which group of recipients you are directing your message:
    • If you want to be more clickable in search results, remember that someone who does not know you yet, has not seen your website and is looking for a specific answer to a specific question will probably see it. Think about the questions that the people to whom your offer is directed may ask.
    • If you want to encourage a subscriber to open an email, remember that you already know you, so you can refer to this.
    • If you want to encourage someone to click on the link in the body of the email, you need to talk about a specific benefit.
  • Think about why someone would go to email/click on a link or learn about your full offer? You need to offer something unique in the headline. Be ultra-specific. This is a good time for numbers and details.
  • Be precise – always stick to the facts and don’t exaggerate.
  • Apply good headline rules – sometimes it is difficult to pack up to 6 different rules in one headline. 3-4 is the minimum that you should always try to keep.
  • Test the headline – once you have written the content, send it to a few friends and family members and ask if they clicked on it. Or maybe they will come up with an interesting idea?

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