7 must-have marketing tools for your business - Do you use them yet?

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7 must-have marketing tools for your business - Do you use them yet?

As a business owner, you probably have a lot to handle on a daily basis. Good employee management, payments, various meetings, lots of bureaucracy and more, more tasks. It’s all undoubtedly extremely time consuming and you may even sometimes feel like literally the whole world is on your shoulders. Is that correct?

The key to making work effective and your workflow as smooth as possible is staying on top of your duties all the time by looking for solutions and strategies that will enable you to do so. Examples of such strategies and solutions include managing your business in an organized manner, using the right type e of equipment and monitoring employees regularly. The last of those can be made easier with the right HR management tools. All of that contributes to building a business that functions perfectly and can succeed in the long run.

In this article, we want to touch upon one segment of your business and how you can make it more effective – marketing. Have you ever thought about taking steps that would further accelerate the growth of your marketing department within your company? Today, we want to share with you our top 7 must have marketing tools for your business that you will absolutely love – for various reasons.

Let’s get ready for a valuable dose of expertise then, shall we?

Why does your business need marketing tools?

First things first, before we tell you what tools you might wish to consider getting to start properly marketing your business, let’s stop here for a short while and let’s focus on why you need those tools in the first place.

These are the 5 simple reasons why businesses need marketing tools:

#1 Marketing is essential for all businesses, irrespective of size, industry, or location.

In today’s world, everything happens fast and new businesses pop up out of nowhere all the time. For this reason, you need to make sure that you stay visible and relevant in the eyes of your current and potential customers.

#2 Marketing tools don’t cost a lot of money.

While terms like ‘tools’ and ‘subscription plans’ may sound slightly scary at first, marketing tools don’t actually have to cost you a lot of money! Provided that you do enough research before choosing your marketing tools, everything should go smoothly. Remember to always think about what your expectations from a particular tool are before fully committing to it. The best thing you could do is find a tool that isn’t overpriced or suspiciously underpriced, and offers all the features that you want to have. So, don’t worry, because marketing tools definitely won’t leave your wallet empty!

#3 Marketing tools are accessible 24/7.

Thanks to the fact many marketing tools are essentially cloud-based and fully remote ready pieces of software, you can access them practically whenever and wherever you wish to, as long as you’re lucky enough to have a stable Internet connection. Therefore, marketing tools create the perfect opportunity for you to stay connected with the life of your business around the clock.

#4 Marketing tools provide a great return on investment.

Surprisingly enough, despite the fact that most reliable and well developed marketing tools are not free, they can quickly return your money spent on them. Great ROI is just one of the many great things

#5 Marketing tools are quick and efficient.

Finally, good marketing tools will make your work, or the work of your employees much quicker and efficient in milliseconds, allowing you to shift your focus to other, more important parts of your business. For a small monthly cost, you can enjoy workflows you’ve never known were possible to achieve.

Knowing all these benefits, you surely can’t wait to find out what those tools are now, can you? Let’s get down to business then!

Top 7 types of marketing tools you need to start using now

Social media management tool

For starters, we want to talk about social media platforms and tools that can help you accurately and competently manage and monitor them, usually in a highly organized and neat manner. Because what brand isn’t on social media today, right?

Social media management tools are an essential part of any social media strategy because they offer significant advantages to content creators.

The first advantage is that they make it easier to share content to multiple networks and engage with your audience, as well as find new followers. This means that one can easily create and generate content for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and more without having to log out of Facebook and login to another site or app. Reliable marketing tools will allow you to do that thanks to features like sending bulk messages to your followers, monitoring comments, scheduling posts in advance using a content calendar and more.

Another advantage is that these social media management tools provide analytics on how well the content is doing on all the social networks. This allows companies to see what kind of content works best on which site and which types of audiences like it the most.

Lastly, these tools make it easier for companies or organizations with multiple employees in different time zones or locations who want input on how a post should look like, look for easy to use collaboration ways and fast client approval processes.

Examples of tools: Kontentino, HootSuite, Social Pilot, Buffer, Instagram Video Downloader

A reliable webinar platform

Next on our list are webinar tools.

A webinar is an online event that allows for live interaction between participants and the presenter. Webinars are used in a variety of industries, but most particularly by businesses to share information, launch products online, conduct courses and build personal brands.

The advantages of hosting webinars are numerous. They can be more cost-efficient than traditional conferences or events, they have the potential to reach more people, they allow for on-demand learning, they can improve customer engagement and employee productivity, and they are easy to organize on-the-go.

But one of the most important reasons for businesses to have a reliable webinar platform is that it will help them grow their businesses in general at a low cost. It’s important for any business to keep an eye out at the bottom line as well as the growth of a business, so you can be sure that with the right webinar tool you won’t have to worry about anything.

Examples of tools: LiveWebinar, LiveStorm, Zoom, Microsoft Teams

A good quality call center system

The importance of having a good call center CRM software can’t be over-emphasized. It is the only way you can really make sure you get to talk to your customers and prospects. Without it, your business will never fully take off.

The success of a business can largely depend on the effectiveness of their customer service. This is why it is important for business owners to make sure that they have a good customer service tool in place. Call centers are one of the most popular ways to contact customers and offer them support with their inquiries. Having the right customer service tools in place will help improve the overall efficiency and productivity of your call center agents.

It’s not just having a great tool, there’s also an art and science to call center management that will allow you to be more successful at managing your agents, while providing excellent customer care.

Some of the things you should look out for in your perfect call center include access to various integrations, good call volume distribution, satisfactory customer reviews, high voice quality, scalability, short deployment time, flexibility and ease of use, to name a few.

Examples of tools: CloudTalk, Nextiva, HubSpot, RingCentral

Network and affiliate marketing tracking software

Moving on, another tool we recommend you take a look at is network and affiliate marketing software.

Network and affiliate marketing tracking software is a vital tool for any business that is part of the modern digital era. Tracking your advertising helps you monitor your success and see which ads work best for you.

Businesses need this software to monitor their network and affiliate marketing campaigns. It’s important for businesses to be able to track the performance of their marketing efforts, because this helps them see which ads are working well and which ones need improvement. As a result, your business can enjoy great affiliate marketing results, together with saved time and money on solutions that wouldn’t deliver any value in the first place.

If you decide to go on a hunt for a reliable solution in this field then, examples of some of the things you may want to consider include: no setup fee, cancellation that’s available anytime, 24,7 customer support, website integration and free lifetime updates.

Examples of tools: PostAffiliatePro, LinkTrust, Impact Radius, Voluum

An email delivery service

Next in the line, we have email marketing and the importance of email marketing strategy and delivery service tools for businesses.

Businesses are becoming more reliant on email to communicate with their customers, suppliers, and partners, since it’s one of the marketing communication strategies generating the highest ROI of them all. In order to maintain a relationship with their customers, businesses need to ensure that they have the best tools in place for staying in contact with them. It is important that they have a tool that will allow them to manage all of their email delivery services from one place: fast and without any problems.

In addition, because businesses need to constantly keep up to date and change with the evolving world, it is crucial for these types of companies to have a tool that can be used proactively to help them stay on top of the latest trends.

Your perfect email delivery service should be easy to implement, offer various integrations and should, most importantly, have a good email delivery speed rate! We can’t emphasize enough how essential it is to use an email delivery service that really will deliver. Start your search now then and never fail to provide high quality emails ever again.

Examples of tools: Coresender, Sendinblue, Sender, Mailchimp

A URL shortener and retargeting platform

Looking further at useful tools and pieces of software worth using if you really want your business to succeed, we have URL shorteners and retargeting platforms on our mind.

A URL shortener is used to shorten the URL of a website, so it can be easily shared on social media. A retargeting platform, on the other hand, is used to reconnect with your old visitors.

The first reason for using a retargeting platform is that it enables you to reach out to people who have already visited your website. It lets you show them relevant ads that are customized for them and their interests, which means they are more likely to engage with them.

The second reason for using a URL shortener is because URLs are limited in length. This means that if you have a long URL, it might not fit into the post or tweet on social media networks like Facebook or Twitter. With the use of a URL shortener, you will be able to share your content with ease.

A good URL shortener and retargeting platform can positively surprise you with features like custom domains, generated dynamic QR codes, UTM tags, CTAs, analytics, integrations, vanity URLs and more.

Examples of tools: RocketLink, GetEmails, ShareASale, Nexweave

A complete online booking system

Last but not least, our top 7 is closed with online booking platforms.

Online booking platforms are great tools for on-demand services, especially if your business offers services in the form of various meetings and appointments. Customers are able to see the price upfront, compare prices, read reviews, book an appointment quickly, pay online, access their appointment history and more. All of that on one platform.

What’s in it for you?

A solid online booking software provider can bless you with benefits like quick and easy payments, auto-invoicing, interesting integrations (with Facebook Messenger, for example), email, SMS and push notifications, a fully functional mobile app, as well as a website and landing page builder. What else could you possibly ask for?

Online appointment booking softwares can also be an effective solution for companies with seasonal pricing, one-time passes and even subscriptions plans because they allow customers to book appointments ahead of time without any cancellation charges.

Examples of tools: Calendesk, Schedulicity, BookingBug, youcanbook me, GenBook, Appointy

Your perfect toolbox is at your fingerprints

The article has come to an end. We hope you enjoyed reading it.

Remember that there is no one tool which can solve all of your problems so plan your strategy accordingly and be patient with the results. Do your research first, take advantage of free trials and don’t give up when one tool disappoints you!

If you’re looking for some hints pushing you towards the right direction, as for your number #1 online booking platform, we can definitely recommend Calendesk. It’s a complete online booking system with plenty of valuable features for you to explore and take advantage of.

Other than that, we believe you thoroughly enjoyed this article and if you’re looking for more, similar content, don’t hesitate to check our blog section out.

We wish you success in your online marketing endeavours!


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