9 mistakes when picking an online booking system for behandler

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9 mistakes when picking an online booking system for behandler

Online booking systems have become very flexible and suitable for almost every need in a business. Moreover, it’s an automated solution that saves your time and states no more manual work. So, let’s look at the advantages you can achieve with it and what to do to pick the right syst

What benefits can an online booking system bring you?

Availability 24h

One of the most significant advantages of an online booking system is that you don’t have to be at work physically because the software will work for you. For example, customers don’t have to wait to reach you until you step into the office or check the mobile app. The online booking system will automatically show the time when you’re available and helps make a reservation. Also, foreign clients can arrange meetings freely, resigning from inter-country fees by phone.

Good customer perception

Nowadays, customers have higher and higher expectations. Sometimes it’s hard for companies to meet them. But thanks to an online booking system you can manage one of the things – satisfy the client. Thanks to the fast, smooth booking process, the customer is not frustrated as the whole process is done in seconds.

High level of organization

One of the benefits is the reduction in manual labour. The automated system allows you to look closely at a given plan for the day. Not only that, you can watch your calendar and your colleagues’ calendar at more significant intervals, e.g. monthly.

Additionally, you keep all the information in one place, so you can quickly return to it and get the data you need.

Stronger security

Your business information will be secured thanks to the data collected in the cloud. For example, online booking programming is based on protected servers where computer viruses appear much less frequently.

With cloud-based systems, you get greater availability and more significant security simultaneously.

Innovative reports

While managing a company is crucial to create detailed reports, which will have an enormous impact on your later decisions. That’s why you need a proper online booking system. It allows you to check which interactions bring many benefits and what needs to be changed.

Easy integrations

The software offers popular integrations and tools that will improve your customer experience and speed up and automate your work. Different integrations characterize each online booking system, so choosing the most appropriate one is essential.

What functions should it provide?

Now when you know the main benefits of an online booking system, we need to distinguish the essential features that every one of them should provide. So, let’s have a look.

Flexible payments process

One of the most important things for customers is the possibility of various payment options. This preference increases your chances of getting their recognition and the finalized transaction.

In addition, some of the online booking systems also issue a VAT invoice, so it is no longer your concern.

Intuitive calendar

One of the critical features is the unproblematic interface. An online booking system should help, not delay, your work. Scheduling, cancelling, or rescheduling should be available with only a few clicks. Also, it must contain the option of sharing calendars with others.

Tailored notifications

As mentioned before, clients are the centre of your attention. That’s why you need to be sure that they received a proper reminder about an appointment.

No matter where you are, you can send notifications via multiple options like email, push messages or SMS. Of course, you can customize those notifications depending on your client’s preferences.

Mobile app

And last but not least, it should provide a mobile version. Why? As it makes you more accessible, you can reach your customers anytime, anywhere. In addition, the appointment reminder won’t be a problem as you can do it with just a few clicks directly from your smartphone.

9 mistakes when picking an online booking system

After a quick overview of the online booking system, we need to point out the most common mistakes when choosing software.

Not suitable functions

While picking your best software, you must focus on its features. Maybe some of them will be unnecessary for you, and you won’t get the benefits you want. But on the other hand, tailored functions will improve your work’s quality and automate it.

Conflicted with your profession

Online booking systems are often adapted to various industries. Focus on one that offers as many customized functions as possible for you. For example, some software may work for a company that manages finances, but if you work in marketing, you may have to choose a different option.

Too expensive

No one wants to overpay for software they don’t need. Therefore, it is vital that you match your actual funds with the price of the scheduler system. Some may think that the higher the price, the better the software features, but this is very individual.

No available training

Some of the software may be so intuitive that it will not require quick training in operation. However, if you use a more complex and complicated scheduler, check if it offers a short instruction.

Incompatible with social media

These days social media are a powerful form of interaction with clients. It has become one of the main ways to attract customers. So make sure that your online booking system is compatible with it.

Confusing interface

No one likes to spend too much time examining the use of the software. You and your workers must use the tool with intuition and ease. It increases the comfort of work and convenience.

Lack of integration

Earlier, we mentioned that each software comes with different integrations and add-on tools. Unfortunately, in some of them, the ones you most want to rely on may be missing. At first, this may seem like a minor problem, but later it can hinder your actions on many levels.

Problematic reports

Weekly or monthly reports that check your results become the essence of your activities. If the report’s features are not personalized enough, it can make it difficult to evaluate your actions. Moreover, reports allow you to create different business decisions and choose new marketing strategies.

Why should you choose Calendesk for your online booking system?

Picking a good scheduling platform is one of the biggest challenges. However, one of the software may draw your attention in particular. Calendesk, a cloud-based scheduler, includes all the features mentioned above.

In addition, you get notifications quickly, choose the payment option from many variants and use the mobile app version. With Calendesk, you can create a newsletter, share content and engage your customers with only a few clicks.

Moreover, you can manage the app worldwide so that nothing can escape your attention. Scheduler provides three plans with a 14-day free trial, in case you have doubts before purchasing one.

Calendesk allows accepting payments, issuing VAT invoices, rescheduling, canceling appointments, and generating landing pages. So don’t wait and try it for 14 days.


Choosing a suitable automated scheduler seems complicated, but after considering several main points, the choice is no longer demanding. Remember about features compatibility, the price, customization and high quality of reports.

An online booking system will save time, allowing you to do other more important activities. Additionally, they will make customers perceive your business as trustworthy and credible.

Finally, maintaining consistency and organization in your actions will increase efficiency and productivity.

So, don’t wait and reach the opportunity to meet your customers’ expectations.


Get started with your own online booking system in minutes