Savvycal vs Simply Schedule Appointments Comparison

Which one is a better scheduling solution for you? Savvycal or maybe Simply Schedule Appointments?

Savvycal's Customers Rating
Visit website
Email Support
Live Chat Support
Data Export/Import Capabilities
Training and Onboarding
Dedicated Customer Success and Support Team (Enterprise Plans)
API Access
Calendar Builder with Full Customization
Advanced Reminders (SMS, Email, Push Notifications)
Simply Schedule Appointments's Customers Rating
Visit website
Email Support
Live Chat Support
Data Export/Import Capabilities
Training and Onboarding
Dedicated Customer Success and Support Team (Enterprise Plans)
API Access
Calendar Builder with Full Customization
Advanced Reminders (SMS, Email, Push Notifications)

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Main Points to Consider for Savvycal vs Simply Schedule Appointments

Savvycal has a rating of 4.7, while Simply Schedule Appointments has a rating of 4.7. The Savvycal Standard plan costs $12 (monthly, per user), compared to Simply Schedule Appointments's $16.58 (monthly, per user). Compare Savvycal and Simply Schedule Appointments features based on collected data and real user reviews that highlight their possibilities, issues, customer service, and value for money.

Key consideration for Savvycal: SavvyCal integrates multiple calendars with a user-friendly interface but lacks a standalone app and sometimes has access delays.

Key consideration for Simply Schedule Appointments: Simply Schedule Appointments is easy to set up and user-friendly, but lacks customization options and isn't fully GDPR compliant.

Simply Schedule Appointments
Standard plan
Premium plan
Free Plan Availability
Free Trial Availability
*How did we calculate the prices? Due to the varying pricing of reservation systems, we estimated the average price for the standard plan for 5 users, and for the premium plans, for 15 users.
Core Features
Supported Languages
Multiple languages
Custom Full Website Branding (Sections, Subpages, Logo, Colors, etc.)
Calendar Builder with Full Customization
Mobile App for Customers
Mobile App for Employees
Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions Generator
Newsletter Module for Clients
Customer Area (Signup/Login Panel For Customers)
Google Calendar Integration
Google Meet Integration
Zoom Integration
Microsoft Outlook Integration
Microsoft Teams Integration
Skype Integration
WhatsApp Integration
Invoicing System Integration
API Access
Zapier Integration
Advanced Reminders (SMS, Email, Push Notifications)
SMS Notifications
Email Notifications
Push Notifications (Customers & Employees)
Additional Features
Appointment Scheduling
Online Payment Processing
Customizable Booking Forms
Reporting & Analytics
GDPR Compliance & Security
Business Support
Help Center Access
Email Support
Live Chat Support
Dedicated Customer Success and Support Team (Enterprise Plans)
Training and Onboarding
Data Export/Import Capabilities

User Reviews

What Are Users Saying About Savvycal?

"[...] The user interface is very user friendly and it can integrate with multiple calenders and display all events including personal and professional meetings, so that we can prioratize the meetings and manage it in a very efficient way."

"[...] SavvyCal has this great feature of personalized scheduling links, which is easy to implement in our work or personal calenders."

"[...] I am happy with it and I will tell all my friends about it, but it may be unsuitable for some users who prefer portable applications for ease of access and use."

"[...] The things which I personally dislike about SavvyCal is, even though it supports multiple calenders integration, but still it is a web application not a stand alone. So it is better to have an application instead of web application, also the cost factor can be resuced a bit."

"[...] User interface could bemade much better."

"[...] You may sometimes experience some delays in accessing the service."

What Are Users Saying About Simply Schedule Appointments?

"[...] Setting it up was quick and easy—I had it running in no time. My clients find it super easy to book appointments, and it’s made scheduling so much simpler for me."

"[...] My experience with SSA has opened my mind up to upgrading to a paid version."

"[...] After working with another plugin that didn’t have the amount of flexibility we needed, we decided to switch to Simply Schedule Appointments Booking plugin, and it was definitely the right choice!"

"[...] GDPR – European users beware.Unfortunately, the plug-in cannot be used in this form, as there is no possibility to switch off external resources."

"[...] I think it’s great that there is at least a module for the Divi Builder. There are just too many producers out there who keep forgetting about Divi, even though the builder, next to Elementor, holds the most market share."

"[...] The customization options are quite limited. For a tool that's supposed to handle a variety of scheduling needs, it's disappointing that you can't tweak it to fit more specific requirements."

*User reviews were gathered from platforms like Capterra, Trustpilot, and GetApp.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find quick answers to key questions about using Savvycal and Simply Schedule Appointments to make the most of their features and capabilities.

What is Savvycal used for?

SavvyCal integrates multiple calendars with a user-friendly interface but lacks a standalone app and sometimes has access delays.

What is Simply Schedule Appointments used for?

Simply Schedule Appointments is easy to set up and user-friendly, but lacks customization options and isn't fully GDPR compliant.

What is the price of Savvycal?

Savvycal does not offer a free trial plan.

Savvycal offers a free trial plan.

Savvycal's pricing for paid plans starts at $12 (monthly, per user) for the Standard plan.

What is the price of Simply Schedule Appointments?

Simply Schedule Appointments does not offer a free trial plan.

Simply Schedule Appointments offers a free trial plan.

Simply Schedule Appointments's pricing for paid plans starts at $16.58 (monthly, per user) for the Standard plan.

How is Savvycal different from Simply Schedule Appointments?

SavvyCal integrates multiple calendars with a user-friendly interface but lacks a standalone app and sometimes has access delays. On the other hand, Simply Schedule Appointments is easy to set up and user-friendly, but lacks customization options and isn't fully GDPR compliant.

Does Savvycal integrate with Office 365?

Yes, Savvycal integrates with Office 365.

No, Savvycal does not integrate with Office 365.

Does Simply Schedule Appointments integrate with Office 365?

Yes, Simply Schedule Appointments integrates with Office 365.

No, Simply Schedule Appointments does not integrate with Office 365.

Does Savvycal integrate with Zoom?

Yes, Savvycal integrates with Zoom.

No, Savvycal does not integrate with Zoom.

Does Simply Schedule Appointments integrate with Zoom?

Yes, Simply Schedule Appointments integrates with Zoom.

No, Simply Schedule Appointments does not integrate with Zoom.

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