Microsoft Bookings vs Booksy Comparison

Which one is a better scheduling solution for you? Microsoft Bookings or maybe Booksy?

Microsoft Bookings's Customers Rating
Visit website
Email Support
Live Chat Support
Data Export/Import Capabilities
Training and Onboarding
Dedicated Customer Success and Support Team (Enterprise Plans)
API Access
Calendar Builder with Full Customization
Advanced Reminders (SMS, Email, Push Notifications)
Booksy's Customers Rating
Visit website
Email Support
Live Chat Support
Data Export/Import Capabilities
Training and Onboarding
Dedicated Customer Success and Support Team (Enterprise Plans)
API Access
Calendar Builder with Full Customization
Advanced Reminders (SMS, Email, Push Notifications)

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Main Points to Consider for Microsoft Bookings vs Booksy

Microsoft Bookings has a rating of 4.3, while Booksy has a rating of 4.4. The Microsoft Bookings Standard plan costs $15 (monthly, per user), compared to Booksy's $21.99 (monthly, per user). Compare Microsoft Bookings and Booksy features based on collected data and real user reviews that highlight their possibilities, issues, customer service, and value for money.

Key consideration for Microsoft Bookings: Microsoft Bookings is a user-friendly scheduling tool with great integration in Office365, but has limitations in calendar visibility and access control.

Key consideration for Booksy: Booksy makes booking appointments and searching for beauty services easier, offering support via chat and hotline, providing dedicated customer service specialist assistance during the onboarding of a new user, as well as an online calendar, online bookings, and automatic SMS and email reminders.

Microsoft Bookings
Standard plan
Premium plan
Free Plan Availability
Free Trial Availability
*How did we calculate the prices? Due to the varying pricing of reservation systems, we estimated the average price for the standard plan for 5 users, and for the premium plans, for 15 users.
Core Features
Supported Languages
Multiple languages
Custom Full Website Branding (Sections, Subpages, Logo, Colors, etc.)
Calendar Builder with Full Customization
Mobile App for Customers
Mobile App for Employees
Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions Generator
Newsletter Module for Clients
Customer Area (Signup/Login Panel For Customers)
Google Calendar Integration
Google Meet Integration
Zoom Integration
Microsoft Outlook Integration
Microsoft Teams Integration
Skype Integration
WhatsApp Integration
Invoicing System Integration
API Access
Zapier Integration
Advanced Reminders (SMS, Email, Push Notifications)
SMS Notifications
Email Notifications
Push Notifications (Customers & Employees)
Additional Features
Appointment Scheduling
Online Payment Processing
Customizable Booking Forms
Reporting & Analytics
GDPR Compliance & Security
Business Support
Help Center Access
Email Support
Live Chat Support
Dedicated Customer Success and Support Team (Enterprise Plans)
Training and Onboarding
Data Export/Import Capabilities

User Reviews

What Are Users Saying About Microsoft Bookings?

"[...] This software is a great tool to have an organized schedule and ensure you are not overbooking yourself. It is very easy for clients to use and it even sends out meeting reminders to them."

"[...] I promise you guys this is the most accurate way to make an appointment with a company. This is very easy to use and understand which is very good."

"[...] It keeps all your meetings organized and allow booking appointments. Great comparability with the other applications."

"[...] If you have a receptionist making bookings, there would be no need for their calendar to show up. In the Teams version of the app, you can remove the useless calendars."

"[...] The next access tier down is that they can view bookings, but not create or modify them. That's next to useless, if you ask me."

"[...] I personally still struggle with the functions in the software, only because I fairly new in usuing the software."

What Are Users Saying About Booksy?

"[...] My experience with Booksy has been great, I love how simple and fast it is to book appointments with hairstylists."

"[...] Overall everything has been great. They are quick to help with any questions and care about the consumer."

"[...] Benefits include my clients finding other beauty services on the same app so they love finding their beauty pros in one spot! managing my appointments is effortless so I can focus behind the chair."

"[...] They billed me on the third of this month and then again on the 11th for $29. They also charged me $29 for messaging which I opted out of when I first got the app but they charged me anyway."

"[...] Always says it’s something I must’ve done when I’ve done nothing. And never been offered any type of compensation for appointments lost due to app going down sometimes for an entire day."

"[...] Can be confusing to clients when multiple employees are taking appointments."

*User reviews were gathered from platforms like Capterra, Trustpilot, and GetApp.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find quick answers to key questions about using Microsoft Bookings and Booksy to make the most of their features and capabilities.

What is Microsoft Bookings used for?

Microsoft Bookings is a user-friendly scheduling tool with great integration in Office365, but has limitations in calendar visibility and access control.

What is Booksy used for?

Booksy makes booking appointments and searching for beauty services easier, offering support via chat and hotline, providing dedicated customer service specialist assistance during the onboarding of a new user, as well as an online calendar, online bookings, and automatic SMS and email reminders.

What is the price of Microsoft Bookings?

Microsoft Bookings does not offer a free trial plan.

Microsoft Bookings offers a free trial plan.

Microsoft Bookings's pricing for paid plans starts at $15 (monthly, per user) for the Standard plan.

What is the price of Booksy?

Booksy does not offer a free trial plan.

Booksy offers a free trial plan.

Booksy's pricing for paid plans starts at $21.99 (monthly, per user) for the Standard plan.

How is Microsoft Bookings different from Booksy?

Microsoft Bookings is a user-friendly scheduling tool with great integration in Office365, but has limitations in calendar visibility and access control. On the other hand, Booksy makes booking appointments and searching for beauty services easier, offering support via chat and hotline, providing dedicated customer service specialist assistance during the onboarding of a new user, as well as an online calendar, online bookings, and automatic SMS and email reminders.

Does Microsoft Bookings integrate with Office 365?

Yes, Microsoft Bookings integrates with Office 365.

No, Microsoft Bookings does not integrate with Office 365.

Does Booksy integrate with Office 365?

Yes, Booksy integrates with Office 365.

No, Booksy does not integrate with Office 365.

Does Microsoft Bookings integrate with Zoom?

Yes, Microsoft Bookings integrates with Zoom.

No, Microsoft Bookings does not integrate with Zoom.

Does Booksy integrate with Zoom?

Yes, Booksy integrates with Zoom.

No, Booksy does not integrate with Zoom.

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